New To Town

Welcome to Zionsville!

Information for new residents plus a quick guide to Zionsville's public and government services.

Driver's License and Car Registration

When you become a resident of Indiana, you have 60 days to obtain an Indiana driver’s license and transfer the titles and registrations of any vehicles you own from your previous state to Indiana. Visit any Bureau of Motor Vehicles location for license and registration. (Map) Link: more info

Register to Vote

All voter registrations must be submitted no later than 29 days before the election in which you plan to vote.

Property Taxes

Indiana property taxes are paid in arrears and due in May and November.   For example:  January 1 – June 30, 2024 property taxes will be due May 10, 2025.   July 1 – December 31, 2024 property taxes will be due November 10, 2025. Annual property taxes are approximately 2% of the Accessed Value.  Homeowners are taxed at a reduced rate of 1% when a Homestead Deduction is applied to the property.  This must be filed when you purchase a new home  and is typically completed by the title company.  The Homestead Deduction will remain on your property for as long as you own the property.  You do not have to re-file for this deduction after refinancing.  Additional Deduction Information

Schools and Childcare


250 N 5th St, Zionsville

Urgent Cares and Emergency Room

Post Office

1475 W Oak St, Zionsville

Chamber of Commerce

77 Boone Village, Zionsville


Zionsville Town Hall & Departments

Boone County Courthouse & Public Services